
Essential Do’s and Don’ts for video interviews

When it comes to the recruitment process, video interviews are becoming increasingly popular among employers and candidates due to their flexibility and convenience. While they can provide a great opportunity to showcase your skills and personality, they can also be nerve-wracking if you're not prepared, or if you’re not comfortable with the technology that you’ll be using.

Here at BT6 we cover some essential do's and don'ts for video interviews that will help you make a great first impression…


Test your technology: Before the interview, make sure you have a reliable internet connection, and test your webcam and microphone. Check that your computer/laptop is working efficiently and has all the necessary software installed.

Dress professionally: Although you may well be at home, it's important to dress professionally as you would for an in-person interview. Make sure you're appropriately groomed, and avoid wearing anything too scruffy or revealing.

Choose a quiet and well-lit space: Choose a quiet, well-lit space that's free from distractions. Make sure the background is neutral and not too cluttered. Ideally, sit in front of a blank wall to avoid any visual distractions.

Be prepared: Just like in an in-person interview, you need to be well-prepared for a video interview. Research the company and prepare answers to common interview questions. Have a notepad and pen ready to take notes during the interview.

Smile and make eye contact: Smile and maintain eye contact during the interview. This will help you come across as confident, enthusiastic, and engaged.


Don't be late: Be punctual for your interview and log in to the video call a few minutes early. This will give you time to make sure everything is working well.

Don't use your phone for the interview: Try to avoid using your phone for the interview as it can be distracting and may not present you in the best light. Use a computer/laptop instead.

Don't interrupt or talk over the interviewer: Wait for the interviewer to finish speaking before responding. This will help you come across as respectful and attentive.

Don't forget to follow up: After the interview, follow up with a thank-you email or message to the interviewer. This will help you stay top-of-mind and showcase your professionalism.

Don't forget to relax: Finally, try to relax and be yourself during the interview. While it's normal to feel nervous, remember that the interviewer wants to get to know the real you.

In conclusion, video interviews can be a great opportunity to showcase your personality and skills – but only if you're well-prepared and confident. By following these essential do's and don'ts, you'll be able to make a great first impression on your potential employer.

Read more articles, news and blogs, over on our LinkedInTwitterFacebook and Instagram.


15 Positive Affirmations to help further your career

Do you believe in positive affirmations for career success? We do here at BT6!

Positive affirmations in the career sphere are statements used to encourage and motivate yourself to become better at a certain activity or skill. 
If you’ve ever reassured yourself of your ability to land that dream job or master a skill or obtain a qualification within a work role, then that is a positive self-affirmation! 
We believe that having a positive mindset can really help you when it comes to furthering your career and performing well at interviews, so we thought we’d share just a handful of positive affirmations that may help…

"I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to."

This career affirmation is a great way to start off your list. A great reminder that you are capable of achieving anything you want, as long as you put in the effort!

“I am confident in my abilities”

Feel more confident when it comes to your career. Confidence is key when it comes to success!

“I am in charge of my career happiness”

This affirmation reminds you that you are the one in control of your career happiness. If you aren't happy with your current job, make a change and start looking elsewhere for that perfect role!

“I am worthy of success”

A positive mindset will help you to stay motivated throughout your career journey. Remember, you are worthy of success!

“I am always learning and growing”

It’s important to always continue learning and growing when it comes to your career journey. A willingness to learn is essential for career success!

“My career is important to me and I take it seriously”

Take a positive approach when it comes to your career, but remember that it’s okay to be driven and for your career to be important to you, and for you to take it seriously!

“My career is a journey and not a destination”

This career affirmation reminds you that your career is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, but try and enjoy the ride!

“I am career-minded and I am always looking for new ways to improve my skills”

This career affirmation will help you stay career-oriented and constantly learn and grow. Improvement is key when it comes to career success!

“I make the decisions that are best for me”

Stay in control of your career and make decisions that are best for you. Remember, it's your life and career, so you should be in the driving seat.

“I’m proactive and take initiative when working towards my goals”

This affirmation will help you stay proactive and take initiative when it comes to your work goals. Remember, success doesn't happen overnight and you need to keep working at it!

“I am a problem solver and think outside the box”

Work on staying creative and innovative when it comes to your career. Remember, thinking outside the box can set you apart from other candidates and spur on your career success.

“I am confident in my abilities to do my job well”

Remember to feel confident in your abilities and remind yourself that you are capable of anything. Remember, confidence is key when it comes to achieving your dream career!

“I deserve to follow my passions and fight for my vision of my career”

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! You deserve to follow your passions and have a worthwhile and fulfilling career.

“I will use my voice and power to lift up myself and those around me"

Being a positive force will benefit you in the long run, as well as benefiting other colleagues – it’s a good feeling to use your positivity and position for the greater good.

“I control my job search, it does not control me. I will continue to try new strategies until I succeed in finding my dream job”

Patience is often key when it comes to landing that dream role – don’t settle for second best, and keep going until the right role appears.  

Saying a confidence boosting affirmation will motivate and inspire you, but it won’t land you a new job or transform your career. Instead, it’s up to YOU to do that, and that sometimes means stepping outside of your comfort zone in order to achieve career success.

These career affirmations are just the beginning. The next step is to take action towards your big career goals! If you’re looking for your next big move within the regulated sector, the team at BT6 are with you every step of the way so you can fulfil your career dreams.

Read more articles, news and blogs, over on our LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Classic Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Everyone wants to make a good impression when it comes to a job interview, but what are the most common classic interview mistakes that can mean you might not land your dream role, and how can you avoid them?

We share the most common interview mistakes that candidates can make…

Not doing your research

Probably the number one interview mistake people make is attending an interview totally unprepared! This could mean failing to research the company, the role, or even the person who will be undertaking your interview. It could also mean not being prepared in terms of what questions you might be asked, and therefore having great, researched answers at the ready. Arriving at your interview with a decent amount of research under your belt, and possible answers to questions will 100% help with your confidence. Remember the old expression: Failure to prepare = prepare to fail!

Not Listening

A common mistake at interview is that people go in with a pre-prepared script that they don’t divert from, therefore giving answers without really listening to the questions that are being asked by the interviewer. Really think about what is being said before speaking. Most interviewers won’t mind a considered pause if your subsequent answer is insightful and relevant!

Turning up late

Obviously, this is a big no-no, and tends to happen when people don’t plan their route, and therefore don’t allow enough time to get to the interview location. Always factor in at least 10 minutes in the location’s reception ahead of the interview time, and a few more minutes to gather yourself so you enter the interview room relaxed, confident and prepared. It goes without saying, that if you do end up being late for any reason, that you apologise profusely!

It's also worth checking your internet connection, mic & camera etc before a video interview. With more and more first interviews happening via video call, they needed to be treated in the same way as a face-to-face interview - turning up late, dropping out halfway through, or trying to be interviewed in a busy area where you can barely be heard is not ideal.

Lacking strong communication skills

If people are feeling nervous, essential communication skills such as making eye contact, building rapport and positive body language can be overlooked. Along with these things, a firm handshake and being interested in the interviewer should also be remembered. Take your cue from the interviewer - If you’re too ‘stiff’ and formal you’ll potentially sound robotic with little personality, but too relaxed may mean the interviewer thinks you won’t take the role seriously. A balance between the two is often the safest bet.

Not asking questions

You’ll inevitably be asked if you have any questions at the end of the interview, and so it’s vital that you have a few relevant ones up your sleeve. Ideally your questions will be positive and employer-focused, maybe asking about the company’s plans for the coming year or enthusing about a current client – anything that gets the interviewer animated and keen to share more with you. By having questions ready to go, you’ll sound like you’re keen on the company, and interested in its future.

Like these interview tips? Head on over to the BT6 blog for more advice, news and articles!


Where did it all begin? The story behind the birth of BT6

Ever wondered how BT6 originated, and grew to become one of the most exciting and innovative new recruitment agencies within the regulated sector?

Our Co-CEO, Matthew Porter, tells all...

"Disliking (most, not all) recruitment consultants seems like an odd place to start, when promoting the launch of our exciting new recruitment business, but that’s where it all began!

For several decades now we’ve contended with CV jockeys, filling your inbox with often fictitious messages about ‘immediately available’ people, who turn out to be nothing other than bait to draw you into dialogue, from which it is hard to escape. Back in 2019, we decided to do something about it and we established Bridgetech Resourcing, part of the Bridgetech Group, offering a very different style of recruitment service.

We have a relentless focus on 2 key things: the heart and soul of the candidate, what makes them tick, what drives them on and what topics they’re best suited to. And the heart and soul of the client: what it’s like to work there, the culture, the team, the focus of the business and the journey ahead. When we’ve fully understood all of that, we match the right candidate with the right client opportunity, creating matches that stick.

Happy candidates, happy clients and low attrition; a win win!

After 4 successful years of trading and the rapid expansion of Bridgetech Group as a market-leading SaaS platform business for regulated clients, it became clear that the resourcing business would be better served outside the Group, on its own two feet and free to control its own growth and expansion. And in doing so, make the Bridgetech Group SaaS platform proposition completely clear and defined.

We thus took the decision to demerge the recruitment business from Bridgetech Group, going into partnership with a long time friend and business partner Daniel Rowe. Dan has deep, broad knowledge and experience across the media, marketing and digital industries, and alongside my experience in regulated industries we knew that this proposition made sense. Thus, BT6 was born and the next phase of our journey has begun.

Based in the beautiful, historic, Victorian court buildings in Aylesbury, BT6 is now thriving, serving small, medium and large scale clients across the media and financial services industries. We place everything from administrative candidates all the way up to Board, Partner level candidates, with clients frequently commenting on our different, innovative and intuitive approach to recruitment.

If this sounds of interest, please don’t hesitate to give us a call! We look forward to hearing from you"

Thanks, Matt!

You can read more company news, as well as tips and advice, over on the BT6 Blog.


How to Manage Anxiety in Interviews

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when you don't know what to expect. But there are proven strategies that can help you stay calm and confident during the process as well as help with any anxiety that you may experience. This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, with this year’s theme being around ‘anxiety’ and how to manage it.

With this in mind, here at BT6 we’re sharing five tips that will help you prepare for a job interview and ensure that you know how to manage your anxiety before the big day. From creating a checklist of things to bring to the interview, to practicing mindfulness, these strategies will give you the confidence boost you need to ace your job interview!

Create a checklist of things you'll need to bring to the interview.

Nervous about an upcoming job interview and wondering how to manage anxiety? Don't panic! Having a checklist of items to bring can help you stay organised, prepared and keep your head clearer. From a copy of your CV, to making a note of what you’re going to wear, your checklist of the ‘on-the-day’ essentials can ensure you don't forget anything important, and can focus on showing off your best self in the interview.

Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the potential employer.

Before your interview, you'll want to make sure you have some key questions in mind that will help you determine whether the job is right for you, or if it's even worth the opportunity. From what kind of culture they're looking for in their employee, to how many hours they expect per week, these are just a few examples of what might come up during your conversation with the potential employer – and each question could lead to another thoughtful discussion as well! By having some questions ready yourself, you can feel more in control and lessen any potential anxiety.

Practice what you’ll say

Thorough interview preparation in key to helping with anxiety in job interviews. Read the job description again and again. See how you can apply what you have done in a previous role. Sometimes employers list the skills and experiences they're looking for as: 'essential', things you need to have and then 'desirable', things it would be good to have.

You'll need to give examples that show you have relevant skills and experience. These can include:

  • things you did in school, college or university
  • any work, internships or volunteering experiences you've had
  • any training, workshops or courses you've done
  • things you've learned outside work

Practice Mindfulness

Be aware of the physical cues in your body when you are feeling anxious. Do you get sweaty palms before an interview? They can serve as a reminder to ground yourself in the present moment by calming your body. If you feel a knot in your stomach, tension in your body or a racing heart, use that as a reminder to bring your mind’s attention back to the here and now, and focus on the interview.

Visualise success

It's useful to visualise succeeding in the interview and how you’ll feel afterwards once it’s finished. This visualisation can give you the ability to see the interview as an exercise and relax and answer questions with confidence. Picture yourself answering questions successfully and feeling comfortable in the situation and in the interview room. It's so easy to visualise failure when you suffer from anxiety, so training yourself to be more positive is really helpful when it comes to managing it.

Consider writing down your worries in a journal or simply on a piece of paper to clear them from your mind and choose to listen to relaxing music or an audiobook whist traveling to the interview.

You've got this!

Read some more of our tips, news and industry advice, over on the BT6 blog


Meet the BT6 Team: Holly Miller, Managing Director, BT6

Over on the BT6 blog today, we chat to Holly Miller, Managing Director of BT6.

Hi Holly, what is your career background, and how long have you been working for BT6? 

I have had quite a varied career, covering Operations Management, Sales, Account Management & Social Media Marketing. I left Corporate in 2016 after my own business grew beyond a part time sideline; enabling me to work from home around my little ones. I made my way back into Corporate in 2021 and took over the management of BT6 in mid 2022. It’s a joy to work with such a vibrant team who are passionate about matching talent with the right opportunity.  

What is your role and what does it involve?

As Holly Miller, MD, I have overall responsibility for driving strategy, sales, relationship management and operational delivery.

Most rewarding part of your role?

I thoroughly enjoy the whole process; from capturing the requirement from the client, to briefing the team and witnessing them come into their own, especially when working on more challenging roles. There is a huge sense of achievement when we match a candidate with the right opportunity, helping both candidate and client grow and expand. Operationally, I love a process so implementing our internal systems has been incredibly rewarding; freeing the team up to focus on building relationships with candidates and clients alike. I also have a real passion for aesthetics and marketing, so implementing the new website and seeing the socials come to life is also a real joy.

Most challenging aspects of your role?

Things move fast in Recruitment, and on occasion roles can be filled by internal HR departments/competitors before we’ve had a chance to really sink our teeth into the role, which can be a challenge, but we thrive under pressure and focus on ensuring we are providing a holistic service, and getting to know candidates in our ever-growing database so that we have a pool of available talent ready to go.

Has there been a most memorable moment in your job?

When I took the reins, back in 2022, we were given three high-level roles for a leading digital agency in London. Despite being up against an incumbent, we really rose to the challenge and placed two of the three roles; the third was placed by their internal HR department. It was a huge win for the business and we took great joy in ringing our office sales bell to celebrate!

Advice for candidates seeking work in the regulated sector?

Our clients are looking for highly skilled, personable candidates who are aligned with their mission and cultural values. In a highly competitive market, your skillset and ability to move fast is your strength. Ensuring your CV is up to date, you have the desired skills and have presented yourself in the best light are all standard, but in order to stand out we advise researching the company you are seeking employment from, aligning yourself with their values and mission statement, and absorbing as much information on them as you can prior to interview, and if possible, prior to submitting your CV and cover letter.

From a client's perspective, what makes BT6 different from other recruitment agencies? Why should they choose BT6 when it comes to finding the right, talented candidates?

We pride ourselves on providing a fully-immersive resourcing solution. Our consultants are committed to learning about the company culture and strategic aims, so that they can source and match applicants appropriately. We know that you need staff who complement your company’s ethos, share its objectives and deliver outstanding performance, so we take a holistic approach when screening any potential candidates. Helping you find high-quality team members begins with understanding your business and how each role contributes to it. With our extensive network and sector-specific databases, we select candidates not only based on their CVs, qualifications and experience but also on the aptitudes, additional talents and personal attributes they can bring to each role.

What do you think the future holds for BT6? Any plans for the year ahead?

We are extremely excited for the future at BT6; we have broken new ground with our US clients and look forward to growing overseas. Our candidate portal is growing at a rapid rate and we look forward to presenting talent to new clients both at home and overseas, within the regulated sector.

Thanks Holly! You can read more news and articles like this one with Holly Miller, over on the BT6 blog.


How to make the most of the first 5 minutes of your interview

On the BT6 Blog, we share advice on how to make the most of the first 5 minutes of your interview

Read more

BT6 Resourcing

Opening Times:
Monday - Friday 09:00 – 18:00

Contact Us:
Phone: 0330 020 0555
Email: [email protected]

Address: Porters Lodge County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1UR

Company Number: 11675709